On Saturday 26th May, the Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh, in cooperation with the University of Edinburgh and JETAA Scotland, will hold the Japan Children’s Day at St Mary’s Cathedral (Palmerston Place). The event is held to celebrate the Japanese national holiday Children’s Day, and children and their parents will be welcome to try various activities including origami, taiko drums, calligraphy and even trying on Japanese traditional clothes.
Like last year, we are again holding a drawing competition for children, and we will display their pictures and announce the winners at the Children’s Day event. Pictures can feature any aspect of Japan, for example, culture, food, towns, or landscapes. The deadline for pictures is April 20th. Click here for details on how to enter.
Please come along with your family and friends and enjoy this special occasion. We look forward to seeing you there! Tickets are available from the Eventbrite website (Free entry)
United Kingdom
P: 0131 225 4777
http://www.edinburgh.uk.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/%2000_000297.html Show map