Indigo, the blue Dye has captured the imagination of many over hundreds of years around the world. The Japanese have made a Art of stencilling tiny designs in rice past through stencils onto cloth and dyeing the cloth in deep dark blue creating a beautiful patterned cloth. The Africans are using a Mud resist and deep dye meters of fabric in huge Indigo bath outdoors to creat their colorful patterns… The Hill tribes of South East Asia use a beautiful dark blue cloth as the base for their colorfull embroideries…
Over the two days you will discover much of the context and the technique of dyeing with the Indigo Dye, using both organic indigo and pre reduced Indigo. You will be introduced on the first day to a number of traditional Jananese Shibori patterns involving folding, clamping, tyeing, stitching and finally dyeing to create beautiful samples… On the second day after getting to grips with creating a small indigo vat you will get some free play time to create your own piece of cloth to take home as well as the chance to “recreate” one to two small items of clothing (tee shirt/shirt) out of items you may have stopped loving…
This workshop will take place in the studio of Elisabeth Viguie Culshaw, Glasgow based artist who works regularly with Indigo and travels to South East Asia from where she brings back blue samples of the Blue Work.
The Lansdowne House of Stencils
United Kingdom
G20 6NG
https://thelansdownehouseofstencils.com/ Show map