With the boom in Japanese food in the UK, there are loads of Japanese-style food products hitting the shelves of your supermarkets. From a Japanese perspective some of them are just like wtf were they thinking??!? While are more yummmmm! In this column, our intrepid team of Japanese food tasters will give you their unvarnished opinions.
To start us off, we decided to look at that well-known gourmet delicacy, noodles in a cup. Famously invented in Japan by Ando Momofuku, the founder of Nissin Foods.
We grabbed a few different cup noodles we found at the supermarket, and opted for chicken flavour for our tasting comparison. The favourite British brand, Pot Noodles, was rejected by our all-Japanese tasting panel, simply because they are disgusting. But we decided to add Japanese brand Cup Noodles to the test because the ones you can get here are manufactured outside Japan.
So, how convinced was our panel?
Basking in the glorious No.1 spot was…
Bang! Bang! Noodles.
65g 290kcal £0.90
Produced in Thailand
As soon as we poured in the boiling water, the aroma took your tasting team back to their childhoods. The packaging may be gaudy, but inside is the real deal. The flavour is spicy chicken, but make no doubt, these are nearly identical to Japanese junk food noodles. After three minutes the noodles still had some bite. And the package even comes with its own fork! But then again… these were the only noodles that came in a plastic pot, so environmental warriors may have problems.
to be continue…
Our Ranking
No.1 Bang! Bang! Noodles
No.3 itsu