Teenager Ai emerges from life in a cult commune after spending seven years cut off from wider Japanese society. Re-entering school she struggles to integrate and soon drops out.
Bouncing from home to home, Ai constantly changes her look as she tries out new identities in the search for her rightful place in the world. Throughout this she is shadowed by Ryota, another misfit, who works for a small-time crime boss and who has developed a serious crush on Ai.
This new black comedy from indie auteur Eiji Uchida (Lowlife Love) is shot with real eye-popping colour as he continues his insightful examination of the outcasts, lowlifes and weirdos on the fringes of Japanese youth culture.
We are delighted to be joined by writer/director Eiji Uchida and producer Adam Torel for an exclusive Q+A following this screening.
Satori Screen is QUAD’s monthly night bringing rare opportunities to see East Asian cinema on the big screen, introduced by Asian Film Fanatic Peter Munford.