Japan is known as a nation of manga and anime lovers. It all started in comic format, long before the world discovered Studio Ghibli. Actually, even before VHS (or ß!) videos. Japanese boys and girls grew up with them (and still do) and many of the grown-ups still enjoy them, some secretly, some more openly.
These days the children are used to hearing their parent shouting in their ears “Stop playing the game now! I am talking to you!”, but before this digital era, the phrase that used to be heard in every Japanese household was: “Stop reading manga! or you are gonna lose your eyesight!”
One of the most popular manga magazines for boys is the weekly ‘Shonen Jump’ (it is lovingly nicknamed as ‘Jump’), whose first issue was published in 1968. It is officially going to be half-a-century old this July. Radwimp, one of the most successful Japanese rock bands in recent years, even created a song called ‘Weekly Shonen Jump’.
To celebrate their 50th, they have opened the ‘Jump’ library for 12-days only, in the middle of Tokyo’s fashionable district of Roppongi. There, you can read more than 2,000 copies of Jump mags from the 1st issue, for FREE! You will be amazed to find that the library’s interior, including the tables and the chairs, is all Jump-themed.
This space can be as good as owing the Tardis for some. Or, if you just want to pop
back to your boyhood for a few days, it could even be better than that.
これを無料で読むことができるんですよーっ!色んな名作の名シーンを掘り起こせるわけですね・・・!!https://t.co/u7eJ6mgGu7 pic.twitter.com/ZNDOVyV8qY
— レッツエンジョイ東京 (@enjoy_tokyo) 2018年3月18日
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