Welcome once again, to the fascinating world of the Japanese language.
In this issue, let’s take a look at some phrases you can use when staying at hotels or ryokan in Japan (Ryokan are traditional Japanese style accommodation, usually with a hot spring bath). As you may imagine, these can be put to use straight away!
1) Chekku in wo onegai shimasu. (チェックインをお願いします) = “I’d like to check in please”
Obvious really, use to politely ask to check in at reception.
2) Yoyaku shiteiru xxx desu. (予約している xxx (名前)です) = “My name is xxx, and I have a reservation”
If you have a reservation, use this phrase to let the staff know.
泊 (=haku/paku) is a numerical counter used to count nights stayed. However, as with a number of other Japanese words, the pronunciation changes based on the actual number preceding it, so it can be a little bit tricky. For example, one night is “i-(p) paku”, but two nights is “ni-haku”. Three nights is “san-paku”, four “yon-paku”, five “go-haku”, six “ro-(p) paku”, seven “nana-haku”, eight “ha-(p) paku and so on.
4) Chusha jou wa arimasuka? (駐車場はありますか?) = “Do you have a carpark?”
If you want to confirm whether the facility has something else, you can modify this phrase, simply swapping out “carpark” for whatever you are enquiring about, e.g. “xxx wa arimasuka?” = “Is there an xxx?” A good example would be “toire wa arimasuka?” (トイレはありますか?) = “Is there a toilet?”. This phrase is very convenient and polite, so if you can remember it then it will certainly be of great help.
5) Choshoku wa nanji kara nanji made desuka? = 朝食は何時から何時までですか = “What time does breakfast start and finish?”
6) Konochikaku de oishii omise wa doko desuka? (この近くでおいしいお店はどこですか?) = “Could you recommend a nice restaurant around here?”
Japan has many hidden culinary delights, with different delicacies on offer during different seasons of the year and great local variation. Use this phrase to find out what the locals would recommend for your supper!
7) Goyukkuri douzo (ごゆっくりどうぞ) = “Please enjoy your stay”
This expression is often used by Japanese hospitality staff towards their guests. It is not only used in hotels, but can be heard at many different establishments throughout the country, such as the izakaya style bars which we looked at in last month’s issue of ZOOM Japan!
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